Personally I don't see a problems with timezones. At least not if you do it by contry. If, lets say for example, American guilds hold outposts on American servers. There isn't alot of time displacement. Audvioulsy there would be problems from guild to guild. Little Timmy's bed time is 8:30, but I would see that as a guild problem that needs to be worked out on a personal level.
As to the afker's. Since I think this would be a guild event, body count would truly be a small issue if you are talking about the skill of the players. I would think that any "afking," lol funny word, would be discouraged by guild leaders since there isn't any true value to it.
I do not have a large enough knowledge of the game mechanics to speak on aoe, so I will leave that to someone else. But as to the skills being designed for 8v8 they already have alliance battles that are (I THINK) three groups of four v. three groups of four. I would adapt it to something like that.